Monday, September 26, 2022

The Star Wars Afternoon presents... CHOLIE PADLAP

My idea here was simply Launchpad... but as a gungan. 

Cholie Padlap

Very few gungans are capable star pilots, and Cholie Padlap is definitely not among them. But if there’s a high level of risk, and a low level of expenditure, then there’s no one better suited for the job! 

Always on the lookout for a bargain, it was Cholie’s nominal fee that first drew the attention of Baron Ansil Maddoc. The baron originally hired Cholie to deliver supplies to his estate on Bindo. Complications arose when a band of marauders attempted to hijack the shipment, however the gungan pilot managed to scrape his way through with the cargo mostly intact! What Maddoc admired most about Cholie though was his unwavering courage and ability to see the job through to the end; something that, in a galaxy of scoundrels and reprobates, is difficult to come by. Despite his reputation for calamity, Cholie was soon hired as Maddoc’s personal courier, and it’s a position that the gungan has never taken for granted.


Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Star Wars Afternoon presents... DV-40

I thought I'd keep this one short. Based on Scrooge's butler, Duckworth,'s Deev!


DV-40, also known as Deev, is the chief protocol droid and personal operations manager for Baron Ansil Maddoc. Most protocol droids tend to stand on ceremony, operating with an over-abundant sense of pleasantry and decorum. Deev, however, does not. Curt and forthright, he manages the day-to-day operations with brutal honesty. Although this may irk Maddoc on rare occasions, the baron prefers Deev exactly as he is and never questions the droid’s devotion.


Monday, September 19, 2022

The Star Wars Afternoon presents... BARON ANSIL MADDOC

     I'm back with more of what I'm calling, The Star Wars Afternoon! I'm shifting into DuckTales mode for the next few posts, starting with a character inspired by the famous Scrooge McDuck! Scrooge has always been my favorite Disney character, so naturally this entire fan-fiction universe of mine will revolve around his counterpart in some capacity.

And just for giggles, I thought it'd be fun to make this human interpretation resemble Ebenezer Scrooge. You see what I did there?

Baron Ansil Maddoc

The wealthy elitists of the Corporate Sector often hail from somewhat pompous upbringings, but not the Baron of Bindo, Ansil Maddoc! Raised on a quaint farm on the agriworld of Lazgo, Ansil has always known the value of honest work. As a boy, young Ansil once shined the boots of a deep space pilot, for which he was paid with a single ingot of Republic credit. When Ansil later found out that Republic credits were worthless on Lazgo, he was furious. He vowed then and there to always keep his guard up as to never be outsmarted by others, no matter how trustworthy they may seem. It’s a somewhat callous philosophy, but one that’s served him well. 

Ansil left his homeworld at a young age in pursuit of fortune and adventure. After a series of unsuccessful endeavors on every freighter, shipyard and spaceport from Boz Pity to Black Spire, the exhausted Maddoc eventually turned a handsome profit mining coaxium on the desolate planet of Lonkada III. Through shrewd thinking and pure grit, Ansil quickly transformed that small mine into a lucrative venture, and thus Maddoc Industries was born. Over time, his company grew even more, eventually expanding into a number of other fields such as ship building and cargo transport, and making Maddoc one of the wealthiest barons in the galaxy. 

As fond as he is of his acquired wealth, Ansil’s true love is and will always be Bindo: a small moon on the furthest edge of the Outer Rim virtually untouched by civilization. This peaceful world’s vast resources and kind inhabitants hold a special place in the baron’s heart and he’s fought hard to protect it from invading forces on several occasions. It is in this paradise, among these people, that Ansil Maddoc has permanently taken up residence, managing his ever-growing wealth while clinging to the philosophies of his modest youth; believing that anyone, if they work smart and stay tough, can find success.


Thursday, September 8, 2022


Happy Star Trek Day! 

     I'll be celebrating by doing the same thing I do on just regular days: watching random episodes of TNG and DS9 out of order while thinking to myself, "What does raktajino taste like? Actual coffee is vile. Would Klingon coffee be more vile? Or is it more like an opposite kind of thing and actually pleasing to the palate? Also... if Montgomery Scott, or Ambassador Spock, ran into Lwaxana Troi... would they mistake her for Nurse Chapel? Did Spock mistake Nurse Chapel for Number One?? I think I'd enjoy sleeping in a bucket."