Thursday, September 20, 2018

Little Men of Disneyland

     So great news! Disney actually commissioned me to mock up some of my Smidgeon characters for a Disneyland lineup!

Yeah. None of that was true. April Fools?

     But seriously... while we were at Disneyland recently I was inspired to knock a few more of these bad boys out. One good thing about being in a magical amusement park full of whimsical little details is that no one really blinks an eye when a guy gets down on the ground to take a closeup photo of (not to spoil the magic) ...absolutely nothing. Unfortunately, it was after our trip that I found out about the actual little man of Disneyland. It might have made for a fun photo-op with a smidgeon or two, but oh well. At least I enjoyed the churros.

     Now that I think about it, Disneyland would be a terrible place for tiny people to live. Despite the fact that it's home to a famous mouse, it's also full of cats!

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